* Added Dynamic Filter which allows to create own filters with custom behaviour
* Added DynamicSessionFilter for storing custom field filter in session
* Added feature for auto loading XML Schema-based configuration filter when it changed on runtime
* Changed package name from com.json.ignore to com.jfilter
* Changed package from advice to components
* Fixed bug in FileFilter which not allowed to load xml configuration from external source
* Added FileWatcher controller which auto reloads modified XML Schema based configurations
* Refactored Javadoc
* Fixed incorrect Jackson XML dependency importing
* Added JSON/XML converters inherited from HttpMessageConverter
* Removed native reflection and added Jackson BeanSerializerModifier for field filtering
* Added EnableJsonFilter annotation for enabling/disabling filtration
* Added ability to apply filter annotations on whole Spring Rest controller
* Fixed bugs
* Added Filter provider for improving execution speed
* Fixed bugs
* Added xml Schema-based configuration
* Fixed bugs
* Added session strategy filtering
* Added additional constructors